One of the things I’ve been trying to do is to release more of my code artifacts into the wild. Sadly, what’s held this up is the time to sanitize my configs of all hard-set variables, IP addresses, passwords, keys, etc… and randomize the data. Call me paranoid, but the idea of just randomly pasting all of my work publicly with said info isn’t really appealing to me (LOL, hope you are getting the sarcasm here).
For the moment, I am still using my tried-and-true platformbuild repo on my github page. Expect this to move quickly into manifests, etc… that one can either source variables into via an env config, or potentially use something like hashicorp valut / ansible vault. To use most of these, just copy/paste into the IDE of your choice, change out the necessary variables for your environment, and push to a repo that you will use with your CI/CD tool like ArgoCD. Feel free to comment below if you run into a serious roadblock and find something grievously not working. Or, better yet, just file a PR and I will get to it.