Tonight, I made my github page public. I figured it was time. A lot of this is still really rough, but I’m actively practicing CI/CD, and it will improve daily.
Someone once told me that even though my brain is full of “manual levers” and years of experience, once I start to automate my work, there will be no going back. This is proving itself to be true. I’m not gonna lie, I still find myself going back to BASH a lot because it is easier and familiar. Sometimes, it is hard to take the time to figure out how to do something in ansible/terraform, etc. when you can do the task in 5 minutes in good ol’ BASH. But, there is a limit to everything. I can either find myself burning out from working harder, or able to take on more because I learned to work smarter.
Plus, I do kinda work for an open-source company. 😉
So, without further ado… link is up in my social links. #mycodeisopen