Openshift vs Kubernetes…. oh my!!!!!

Special thanks, and credit, to Tomasz Cholewa over at His site is a great resource, and I highly recommend checking him out!

I found this write-up today in my morning browsing. While I do not want my blog to be a simple “republishing” service for other’s write-ups, I had to share this! I found this article to be one of the best head-to-head comparisons between Openshift, OKD, and Kubernetes that I have read to date.

Personally, I am in the Openshift camp, and will continue to learn and push for its implementation. It’s very simple in my mind. You get a well-baked platform to develop upon which can easily work between all major cloud vendors, and enable you you seamlessly migrate between said vendor’s clouds while preserving data/application security, integrity, and availability. Isn’t this the goal of tech teams everywhere?

Not too long ago, there were those of us that thought that “cheaper and more open” IAAS solutions would de-throne the king. (I’m looking at you OpenStack vs VmWare). While it was true that one could build a completely open source IAAS “for free” with OpenStack, the technical challenges and pitfalls quickly became daunting to even the most seasoned infrastructure engineer. I predict that OpenShift will ultimately prevail for the same reasons. Companies don’t often care about the coolest bleeding-edge tech. They care about running their critical business applications as mentioned above (securely, with data integrity and availability). While OpenShift might have a significant cost to it, so did running data centers, etc!!! I’m willing to bet that if you sat down and did a ROI/TCO/RACI chart of the 100% opens ource vs paid-for, easier to deploy and manage solution, it would work out in favor of the latter. This proven itself to be true far too often over the course of my career.

Docker TLS w self signed cert and local CA on RHEL/CENTOS

Here are some simple instructions for configuring a local docker engine to use TLS encryption and self-signed certificates. Next steps […]

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